Receiving plan

Policy regarding students that have another first language than Icelandic.

In a directive (654/2009, Reglugerð um rétt nemenda í framhaldsskólum til kennslu í íslensku.) Í reglugerð um rétt nemenda í framhaldsskólum til kennslu í íslensku segir að framhaldsskólar skulu setja sér móttökuáætlun fyrir nemendur með annað móðurmál en íslensku. Þar er tekið fram að áætlunin skuli taka mið af bakgrunni þeirra, tungumálafærni, færni á öðrum námssviðum og af þeirri kennslu og stuðningi sem veitt er.

How does a student apply and enter?

All students put their entry information through the Menntagátt web ( if possible. If not our staff will help. A counselor will contact the applicant, and their parents/guardians, if applicable, give them an interview to find the best study choices available.

The role of lower secondary schools (LSS).

If the student comes to us from an Icelandic LSS our counselors will contact that school to gain information. This is done if the information is not already on the Menntagátt.

International exchange students

Our study director (áfangastjóri) handles the reception of international exchange student but they can also seek assistance from councilors at any time during their stay.

Interview on arrival

Our councilors give our new students an appointment, with their parents/guardians, when applicable. We will organize an interpreter if needed. This interview is to gather background information and about the student’s situation. Furthermore, the student and the parents / guardians are provided with all necessary information about the student's studies available at the school, the school's activities, services and school rules. There will also be support available to the student, both in the form of study and career counseling, as well as other support such as teaching in Iceland (Icelandic for foreigners) and assistance with homework, presented during the interview. A study counselor and a special education consultant are available to assist students with a different mother tongue than Icelandic. During the interview, students and parents / guardians also receive information about the activities that the school offers outside of statutory teaching, such as, for example, the social and leisure activities that the school's student association represents.

Individualized curriculum for students

The courses that the student enters are selected in consultation with him and we will attempt to have the timetable in accordance with the student's interests. All students who have a mother tongue other than Icelandic, however, must study in the courses that are specifically available for this group. When organizing the program for students with a mother tongue other than Icelandic, it is emphasized that they are in some general stages with Icelandic students in order to strengthen social relations and mutual social integration between foreign and Icelandic students.

Organization of collaboration between teachers and specialists within the school

We expect teachers who teach these students Icelandic the core subjects they need to take, to collaborate. Counselors or our special education consultant often intervene to get such collaboration going.